Linux Based Server |
Windows Based Server |
We have a comprehensive
Linux hosting feature set,
and offer a feature-rich
Control Panel that allows
complete control over your
hosting package.
All our Windows packages are
hosted on premium Windows
2000 Servers with the latest
feature set. Each Win2k
package has the following
features. |
Control Panel |
FTP User Manager
Database Manager
SSL Manager
FrontPage Extensions Manager
Custom Error Pages
Resource Meter
Log Manager
Web Stats
Tomcat Manager
Branding and Customization
Apache Features |
IIS Features |
Complete .htaccess control
Server Side Includes
Real Audio/Video HTTP
Frontpage Server Extensions
Custom MIME types
Custom Error Pages
Folder Protection
Server Side Includes
Real Audio/Video HTTP
Frontpage Server Extensions
Custom MIME types
Custom Error Pages
Folder Protection
Index Server |
Programming Features |
Programming Features |
JSP/Servlets (Tomcat)
Pre-installed Perl Modules |
Custom DLL Registration
JSP/Servlets (Tomcat)
ASP Components
AspMail Component
AspPOP3 Component
AspUpload Component
JUpload Component
XUpload Component
AspFile Component
AspHTTP Component
AspImage Component
AspDNS Component
AspMX Component
AspConv Component
AspSock Component
E-Mail Features |
E-Mail Features |
Unlimited Auto responders
Unlimited Forwards
Web-based Interface with
Address book
POP Access
Mailing Lists
Web based Management of
Email accounts, Auto
Responders, Forwards, etc.
Catch-all account
Unlimited Auto responders
Unlimited Forwards
Web-based Interface with
Address book
POP Access
Mailing Lists
Web based Management of
Email accounts, Auto
Responders, Forwards, etc.
Catch-all account |
E-commerce Features
E-commerce Features
SSL Support
Import/Export/Generation of
Import/Generation of Digital
SSL Support
Import/Export/Generation of
Import/Generation of Digital
Certificates |
Databases |
Databases |
PHPMyAdmin web based MySQL
Management Interface
MS Access
SQL Server |
Statistics and Logs
Statistics and Logs
Access to Raw Logs
Log Rotation Manager
Graphical Web Stats
Web Stats Manager
Access to Raw Logs
Graphical Web Stats |
FTP/SSH/Server Access
FTPAccess |
SSH access (Secure Telnet)
Secure FTP access
24x7 FTP access |
Redundancy & Safeguards |
Redundancy & Safeguards |
Daily Backups of Data
Redundant Datacenter
Connectivity |
Daily Backups of Data
Redundant Datacenter
Connectivity |